

3.龙与地下城 美服 词汇 翻译


5.外刊精读Day 17- France's next revolution总结

6.英语口语测试 介绍 信息安全专业


corruption [k?'r?p?(?)n]

n. 贪污,腐败;堕落

The official corruption discontented the people.



别让欲望击穿你的意志英文:Don't let desire break your will。








Dear ______,

亲爱的 xxx

①You he asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.

你曾问我关於 ____ 的意见, 那我现尝试给你一些引导性的意见.

②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容)。

我的愚见是你会明智地取以下行动: ___

③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

希望你会觉得这些提议对你有帮助, 亦随时愿意与你再探讨细节.

Yours sincerely,

龙与地下城 美服 词汇 翻译

displacement 英[d?s?ple?sm?nt] 美[d?s?plesm?nt]

n. 取代,替代; 免职,停职; [船] 排水量; [化] 置换;

[例句]To quote industry analyst Horace dediu, disruption “ in the literal sense implies discomfort, displacement, and even destruction.


[其他] 复数:displacements形近词: dissplacement autoplacement transplacement



The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.


The distance between the two sides of a fault.Also called dislocation

断层两侧的距离也作 dislocation

Psychiatry A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute.





fseek( cfptr, LEN, SEEK_SET )函数中,LEN的位置就是displacement


(improved) nullification X (精通)X级负能量 负能量效果提升20%(精通30%)

(lesser)axe/hammer/spear block (次级)架斧/架锤/架矛 减少(3点)5点挥砍/钝器/刺穿伤害

(lesser)lightning/acid/fire/ice guard (次级)闪电/强酸/火焰/寒冰守护 对击中你的敌人造成(D4点)D8点闪电伤/强酸/火焰/寒冰害

(lesser/greater)aberration/dragon/dwarf/giant/gnoll/magical beast/monstrous humanoid/ooze/reptiliam/undead/vermin bane (次级/强化)异形/龙类/矮人/巨人/豺狼人/魔法兽/人形怪/泥怪/爬行类/不死/虫类杀手 攻击特定怪物获得+2(次级+1 强化+4)命中奖励,并有额外2D6(次级1D6 强化3D6)伤害

(lesser/improved/greater)lightning/fire/acid/sonic/cold resistance (次级/精通/强化)闪电/火焰/强酸/音波/寒冷抵抗 吸收10点(次级3点/精通20点/强化30)闪电/火焰/强酸/音波/寒冷伤害

(lesser/improved/greater/superior) devotion X (次级/精通/强化/超强)X级奉献 X级治疗法术及以下效果提升20%(次级10%/精通30%/强化40%/超强50%)

(lesser/improved/greater/superior) potency X (次级/精通/强化/超强)X级爆发 X级法术及以下效果提升20%(次级10%/精通30%/强化40%/超强50%)

(minor)spell penetration X X级(次级)法术穿透 X等级以下法术的穿透+2(次级+1)

Transmutation/Abjuration/Conjuration/Summoning/Divination/Enchantment/Evocation /Illusion/Necromancy/ focus 变化/保护/咒法/召唤/语言/附魔/塑能/幻术/死灵专攻

(minor/superior) lightning/fire/acid/sonic/cold/void/repair/kinetic lore (初级/超强)闪电/火焰/强酸/音波/寒冰/虚无/修理/动力知识

(Greater)shadow (强化)隐藏

(Greater)silent moves (强化)潜行

(Lesser) false life (次级)虚生命

aberration 异形

aberration bane 异界克星

acid 强酸 攻击命中时造成1D6强酸伤害

adamantine 精金 能够突破某些特别皮厚的钢板

anarchic 混乱 攻击守序阵营时造成额外2D6伤害,混乱阵营可使用

anarchic burst 混乱爆 攻击守序阵营时造成额外2D6伤害,爆击时获得额外伤害(X2武器3D6 X3武器4D6 X4武器5D6),混乱阵营可使用

Anti-magic runes 防魔符文

armor 装甲加值

Axeblock 架斧

axiomatic 守序 攻击混乱阵营敌人命中时额外增加2D6点伤害

axiomatic burst 守序爆 攻击混乱阵营时造成2D6守序伤害,重击时增加额外伤害(X2武器3D6 X3武器4D6 X4武器5D6),守序阵营可以使用

backstabbling 暗算

balance 平衡

banishing 驱逐 重击异界生物时,目标必须通过DC24的意志豁免,失败则被驱逐回本位面。某些异常强大的生物不受此效果影响

Barbarian 野蛮

Bard 吟游诗人

blinding 致盲 这件装备可以产生闪光,有机会让对手目盲

blindness immunity 目盲免疫

blueshine 莹蓝 免疫酸腐伤害和锈蚀效果,+3隐藏技能鉴定

bluff 唬骗 攻击命中小概率使目标在短时间内可以被唬骗,唬骗技能+3

Body feeder 生命护盾

bodyfeeder 养生 当重击时可以获得15点暂时生命,可持续1分钟

bone breaking 碎骨 攻击重击时降低目标1D6点敏捷

byeshk 贝铁 能轻易突破异怪的伤免

chaos burst 混乱爆

Chaotic outsider 混乱异界

Charisma 魅力

Cleric 牧师

cold iron 寒铁 用于对抗恶魔生物,突破恶魔的伤害减免

combustion 燃烧

combustion lore 灼烧知识

command 号令 所有基于魅力调整的技能获得+2技能鉴定,但-6隐藏鉴定

Concentration 专注

conjuration focus 咒法专精 咒法系法术+1DC

constitution 体质

Constitution 体制

Construct 构装

crippling 制跛 重击时降低目标50%移动速度

crippling 致颇

cursespewing 诅咒

cursespewling 诅咒 攻击命中目标时,目标必须做一次DC15的意志鉴定,失败进入诅咒状态(诅咒:-4命中-4豁免)

darkwood 黑木

deathblock 防死 防护死亡效果

deception 诡计

destruction 削弱 攻击命中敌人将降低敌人4点AC

devotion 奉献

dexterity 敏捷

diplomacy 交涉

disable device 解除装置

disease immunity 疾病免疫

disruption 瓦解 攻击命中不死生物时,目标必须通过一次DC14的意志豁免鉴定,失败则被瓦解。某些异常强大的生物不受此效果影响

Divination focus 语言专攻

dragon 龙类

dusk 蒙胧 攻击者有10%的失手概率

dwarf 矮人

enchantment focus 附魔专攻 附魔系法术+1DC

enfeebling 衰弱 重击时减少对手D6力量

enhancement 魔法增强 使命中和伤害获得+x增强加值;使装甲获得+x防具加值

everbright 永明 不会被腐蚀和锈蚀

Evocation focus 塑能专攻

fearsome 恐惧 有一定概率使攻击者被恐惧

feat mobility 灵活移动 翻滚时获得+4AC,此专长赋予并不能使你把它作为专长链中的前置专长

feather falling 羽落

featrecise shot 精准射击 可以获得专长进准射击(使你能精确的攻击目标,不会被人物或者怪物阻挡)

Fighter 战士

Finesse 娴熟

fire guard 火焰守护

flame touched 炎铁 被视为善良阵营使用的武器(可破德墓黑骨DR 炎铁武器有善良攻击属性)

flaming 炽焰 攻击命中时造成1D6点火焰伤害

flaming burst 焰爆

fortification 保护

fortitude se 强韧豁免

frost 霜冻 攻击命中时造成1D6霜冻伤害

ghost touch 幽冥 可以忽略鬼魂的50%躲避

giant 巨人

gnoll 豺狼人

goblinoid 大地精

good luck 好运 +1技能鉴定和豁免

greater 强化

greater Dwarf bane 矮人

greater Gnoll bane 豺狼人

greater reconstruction 强化修复

greater shadow 高等幽影 获得+15隐藏能力加值

green steel 绿钢 绿钢比一般武器造成的伤害更高,并且攻击时视为邪恶属性,可突破相应的伤害减免

haggle 还价

Halfing 半身人

hammerblock 架锤

Heal 急救

Hey fortification 髙级护命

heroic inspiration 英雄鼓舞 获得额外5%经验

hide 隐藏

holy 神圣 邪恶阵营持拿负向等级,对邪恶生物造成2D6点伤害

holy burst 圣爆

icy burst 冰爆 攻击命中时造成1D6点霜冻伤害,并在重击时增加X2—1D10,X3—2D10,X4—3D10的冰爆伤害

Illusion focus 幻术专攻

impact 重击 增加钝器武器的重击范围

improved 精通

improved false life 提升生命 HP上限+20

intelligence 智力

intimidate 威吓

invulnerability 金刚 可以获得5/魔法的DR

jump 跳跃

keen 锐锋 挥砍穿刺武器的重击威胁范围翻倍

lawful outsider 守序异界

lesser 次级

lesser false life 次级生命

lifeshied 生命护盾 攻击时有10%机会给自己+15点虚生命,持续1分钟

light fortification 光线奥义

Light fortification 低级护命

light/hey fortification 次级/高级护命 有25%/100%的概率让你免受重击,只遭受普通伤害

Lightning lore 光亮知识

listen 聆听

Magi 祭祀

magical beast 魔法兽

magnetism 磁场

maiming 残害 重击时外增加伤害X2-1D6,X3-2D6,X4-3D6

maladroit 笨拙 攻击命中时减少敌人1点敏捷

masterwork 精致品 命中获得+1增强加值

minor 初级

Minor 次级(…知识)

Minor acid lore 次级酸知识

mithral 秘银 可以给装备+2最大敏捷加值,防具鉴定-3,并使装甲重量下降一个等级

Moderate fortification 中级护命

Monk 武僧

Monstrous manoid 人形

monstrous humanoid 人形怪

move silently 潜行

necromancy focus 死灵专精 死灵系法术+1DC

ooze 泥怪

open lock 开锁

Paladin 骑士

paralysis 麻痹 攻击造成一次17DC意志豁免鉴定,失败将被麻痹10轮。每轮给于麻痹者一次同上鉴定

parrying 格挡 AC和豁免获得+1洞察加值

perform 表演

poison 毒素 命中时造成1D6点毒素伤害

potency 爆发

power 能量(+蓝) SP上限增加10*X

proof against poison 毒素免疫

proof against poison 毒素免疫

protenction 保护 偏斜+X AC

puncturing 穿心 重击时造成流血目标1D6体质伤害

puncturing 穿心

pure good 纯善 攻击非善良阵营造成1D6点伤害

pure good 纯善

Radiance lore 光亮知识

Ranger 游侠

reflex se 反射豁免

Reflex se 反射豁免

repair 修理

Repair 修复

Repair lore 修理知识

reptilian 爬行类

Reptilian 爬行类

resistance 抗力豁免 +X

Resistance 抗力

resonance 共振

returning 回旋

returning 回旋

righteous 重击

righteous 正义

righteousness 正义 对抗邪恶时获得额外+2增强加值

roaring 音鸣

Rogue 游荡

sacred 神圣 驱散检定+2

search 搜索

seeker 居合 重击确认+X,并在重击时+X伤害,此伤害加值在重击时击入重击翻倍

shadow 暗影 穿戴此装备时可以得到5点隐藏的能力加值

shatter 粉碎 破甲和精通破甲的DC+2增强加值

shattermantle 破抗 命中目标后减少SR(法术抗力)3点,持续9秒

shock 电闪 攻击命中时造成1D6闪电伤害

shocking burst 电爆 攻击命中时造成1D6点闪电伤害,并在重击时增加X2—1D10,X3—2D10,X4—3D10的电暴伤害

silent moves 潜行 +5潜行技能鉴定

silver alchemical 镀银 可以轻易突破吸血鬼和狼人的伤害减免

slicing 流血 命中流血生物时造成1D4流血伤害

slowburst 龟速 重击时有DC15的意志豁免,失败减少50%移动速度。持续30秒

slowburst 断筋

smiting 摧毁 攻击构装生物可获得+2加值,造成重击时构装目标必须通过一次DC23的强韧鉴定,失败则直接摧毁。某些异常强大的生物不受此效果影响

Sneak attack 偷袭

sneak attack 偷袭加值 造成偷袭时+1AB,+2额外伤害

songblade 歌刃

Sorcerer 术士

spearblock 架矛

spell penetration 法术穿透

spell resistance 法术抵抗 +X

spot 侦察

stability 稳定 绝对中立穿着获得+2偏斜AC+2抗力豁免

stench 恶臭 重击的时候让目标产生恶心状态,移动速度严重下降

strength 力量

strength sing 力竭 击中目标时,对目标造成一次强韧DC15的豁免,失败进入力竭状态(-4力量,-4敏,移动速度降低50% 似乎攻击速度也有减少)

striding +X% 移动速度 +X%

Summoning focus 召唤专攻

superior 超强

swim 游泳

taint of evil 沾染邪恶

tendon slice 断筋 攻击命中2%概率使目标进入断筋状态(降低对方50%移动速度)

thundering 雷鸣 当重击时造成1D8点音波伤害于重击X2,X3时2D8,X4时3D8

Transmutation focus 变化专攻

transmuting 易质 此武器能突破任何可突破的伤害减免

true chaos 混沌 攻击非混乱阵营造成额外1D6伤害,混乱阵营可持拿,守序阵营使用将遭到负向等级

true law 秩序 攻击所有非守序阵营时造成额外1D6伤害,守序阵营可持拿,混乱阵营使用将遭到负向等级

Tumble 翻滚

twilight 微光 降低防具10%的奥术失败率

undead 不死族

underwater action 水下呼吸

underwater action 水下呼吸

Use Magie Device UMD

vermin 虫类

vertigo 眩晕

vicious 恶意 攻击命中时对目标造成2D6的伤害,自己造成1D6的伤害

void lore 负能量知识

vorpal 斩首

weakening 虚弱 攻击命中降低目标1点力量

will se 意志豁免

Will se 意志豁免

wisdom 感知

Wizard 法师

wizardry 法力(+蓝) SP上限增加25*X

wounding 创伤 攻击命中时造成流血目标1点体质伤害

推荐加DDO群 群共享里一般都有这些资料

外刊精读Day 17- France's next revolution总结


2. n.

通路, 访问, 入门


存取, 接近

3. 中断, 分裂, 瓦解, 破坏

4. 连接, 联合, 关连

5. 专栏作家

6. 球形的, 全球的, 全世界的

7. deal的过去式和过去分词

8. n.

部分, 部门, [计]扇区, 地区, 象限, 扇形


使分成部分, 把...分成扇形

9. n.

贸易, 商业, 交易, 生意, 职业, 行业, [气]信风, 顾客


交易, 买卖, 经商, 对换, 购物



10. 财务审计

11. 倒霉的, 不幸的

12. 拆开, 分离, 断开

13. 吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟

14市民, 公民

15. n.

碰撞, 冲击, 冲突, 影响, 效果


挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响


投掷, 铸件, 脱落物, 一瞥, 演员表


投, 抛, 投射, 浇铸, 计算, 派(角色)

17. n.

钩, 吊钩


钩住, 沉迷, 上瘾

18. n.

角落, (街道)拐角处, (遥远的)地区, 偏僻处, 困境, 绝路


迫至一隅, 垄断, 使陷入绝境, 把...难住


相交成角, 囤积(in)

19. 企业, 事业, , 事业心, 进取心, 干事业

20. 多样性

21. 顾客, 客户, 委托人

22. n.

利润, 益处, 得益


得益, 利用


有益于, 有利于

23. 存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物


25. <主英>无防御的



英语口语测试 介绍 信息安全专业

Day 15单词梳理

1. he consequences far beyond its borders


2. stagnate


- to stop developing or making progress停滞,不发展,不进步

e.g. I feel I'm stagnating in this job.

- to be or become? stagnant 因不流动而变得污浊

e.g. The water in the pond was stagnating.

noun: stagnation

3. hallmark


- a feature or quality that is typical of somebody/something 特征,特点

e.g. Police said the explosion? bore all the hallmarks of? a terrorist attack. 拥有所有特征

- a mark put on gold, silver and platinum objects that shows the quality of the metal and gives information about when and where the object was made 金银纯度印记


- to put a hallmark on metal goods 打金银纯度印记

4. upheal


- a big change that causes a lot of confusion, worry and problems. = disruption 激变,巨变,动荡

e.g. I can't face the upheal of moving house again.

a period of emotional upheal.

5. insurgent


- a person fighting against the or armed forces of their own country 起义者,叛乱者,造反者

= rebel

e.g. an attack by armed insurgents


- fighting against the or armed forces of their own country 叛乱的

= rebellious

e.g. insurgent groups/attacks

6. upstart



start up : 开始,发动

7. reverberate


- (of a sound)to be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surfaces 回响,回荡

= echo

e.g. Her voice reverberated around the hall.

- (of a place)to seem to shake because of a loud noise 震颤,摇晃

e.g. The hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing.

- to he a strong effect on people for a long time or over a large area 产生深远影响

e.g. Repercussions of the case continue to reverberate through the financial world.

8. allege


- to state something as a fact but without giving proof 断言,声称

e.g. It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.


9. grumble


- to complain about somebody/something in a bad-tempered way 咕哝,发牢骚

e.g. She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work.

- to make a deep continuous sound 咕隆,发轰隆声

e.g. Thunder grumbled in the distance.

10. sluggish


- moving, reacting or working more slowly than normal and in a way that seems lazy 行动迟缓的,缓慢的,懒洋洋的

e.g. The growth of the export market has helped to compensate for sluggish demand at home. 疲软的国内需求

11. sap the country's vitality




- the liquid in a plant or tree that carries food to all its parts 汁液

e.g. Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.

- a stupid person that you can easily trick, or treat unfairly 笨蛋,易上当的人

e.g. The poor sap never knew what was going on behind his back.


- to make something/somebody weaker; to destroy something gradually 使虚弱,削弱,逐渐破坏

e.g. Years of failure he sed him of his confidence.

12. malaise


- the problems affecting a particular situation or group of people that are difficult to explain or identify 难以捉摸的问题

e.g. The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society.

- a general feeling of being ill/sick, unhy or not satisfied, without signs of any particular problem 莫名的不适

= unease

e.g. a serious malaise among the staff

13. rift


- a serious disagreement between people that stops their relationship from continuing 分歧,严重不和

= division, breach

e.g. The rift within the party deepened.

- a large crack or opening in the ground, rocks or clouds 裂口,裂缝

e.g. Through a rift in the clouds we could see a beautiful blue sky.

14. throw the bums out




- the part of the body that you sit on 屁股 backside

- a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food 无业游民,流浪乞丐

e.g. a beach bum

- a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society 懒汉,游手好闲者

e.g. He's nothing but a no-good bum!


- to get something from somebody by asking 乞讨

= cadge

e.g. Can I bum a cigarette off you?

- to make somebody feel upset or disointed 使不安,使灰心


- of bad quality; wrong or useless 劣质的,没用的

e.g. He didn't play one bum note.

15. tap into


16. perilous


- very dangerous非常危险

= hazardous

e.g. a perilous adventure/journey

17. obstruct? foreign trade


- to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that somebody/something cannot get through, see past, etc. 阻塞,阻挡

e.g. You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.

- to prevent somebody/something from doing something or making progress, especially when this is done deliberately 妨碍,阻挠

= hinder

e.g. They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty.

18. enact? agendas


- to pass a law通过法律

e.g. legislation enacted by parliament

- to perform a play or act a part in a play 扮演,演出

e.g. scenes from history enacted by local residents

- to take place 发生,举行

- to put something into practice 实施

e.g.This involves identifying problems and enacting solutions.

19. repudiation


- refusal to accept something 拒绝,否定

e.g. the world-wide repudiation of slery in the nineth century

- the act of saying officially and/or publicly that something is not true 官方驳斥,驳回

e.g. the repudiation of a claim


20. clinch? the presidency


- to succeed in achieving or winning something 成功取得,赢得

e.g. They clinched a place in the semi-finals.

- to provide the answer to something; to settle something that was not certain 提出解决办法

e.g. ‘I'll pay your airfare.’ ‘Okay, that clinches it —I'll come with you.’

Day 16逻辑导图&翻译


1.Stagnation, both political and economic, has been? the hallmark of? a country where little has changed for decades, even as? power has rotated? between the? established parties? of left and right.


2.The implications of these insurgencies? are hard to exaggerate .


3.The resulting realignment will? he reverberations far beyond? France’s borders. It could revitalize the European Union, or wreck it.


4.Further fueling voter’s anger is their? anguish at? the state of France.


5.Its vast state, which absorbs 57% of GDP, has? sed the country’s vitality .


6. If she pulls France out of the euro, it would trigger a financial crisis and doom a union that, for all its flaws, has promoted peace and prosperity in Europe for six decades.




Day 17小结



Information security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.[1] The terms information security, computer security and information assurance are frequently used interchangeably. These fields are interrelated and share the common goals of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and ailability of information; however, there are some sule differences between them. These differences lie primarily in the roach to the subject, the methodologies used, and the areas of concentration. Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and ailability of data regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms.

Governments, military, financial institutions, hospitals, and private businesses amass a great deal of confidential information about their employees, customers, products, research, and financial status. Most of this information is now collected, processed and stored on electronic computers and transmitted across networks to other computers. Should confidential information about a businesses customers or finances or new product line fall into the hands of a compe, such a breach of security could lead to lost business, law suits or even bankruptcy of the business. Protecting confidential information is a business requirement, and in many cases also an ethical and legal requirement. For the individual, information security has a significant effect on privacy, which is viewed very differently in different cultures.

The field of information security has grown and evolved significantly in recent years. As a career choice there are many ways of gaining entry into the field. It offers many areas for specialization including Information Systems Auditing, Business Continuity Planning and Digital Forensics Science, to name a few.