1.急 英语造句 看详细!


1、We will ask him about that(我们将要问他有关于那些事情)

2、Mother often asks me to go shopping with her(妈妈经常叫我陪她购物)

3、There are a few les on the tree(那儿的树上只有一点苹果)

4、Don't worry,we still he a little time.(别担心,我们还有一点时间 )

5、It was a long time before I though about that day again(我再次回想起往昔岁月时已是很久之后了。)

6、We are planning to go on an outing(我们正去远足)

7、You decide on his imperfectoins so much in the mass. (你们给他总结了这么多缺点。)

8、What made you decide to change job? (是什么使你决定更换工作?)

9、I hope you enjoy the show(我希望你们能在这次展示会上玩的开心)

10、I will do my best to finish the longest day(我将在我最长的一天里做最好的自己)

11、I forght to put any salt. (我忘记放盐了)

急 英语造句 看详细!

1,Here is another familar example that You would like to hear good words about yourself

2. It is calculated that sharing bikes bring people a lot of benefits

3. As you learn to read English, you will enjoy English books.

1. 这是另一个你熟悉的例子,你想听到关于你自己的好话

2. 据计算,共享单车给人们带来了很多好处


Come and spend the weekend with us.


We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation.


We had joy;we had fun;we had seasons in the sun.

They stopped to talk when they met on the street.


I must stop smoking.     


Owing to my excellent performance, I earned this paid eight - day holiday.