



































































































































Lock History

A brief history of locks in America

In even the earliest buildings, locks were used to protect possessions. A great many of them consisted of just a wooden bar mounted on iron brackets. The only thing that has not changed over the centuries is that whatever you lock up, someone else will try to open. This is well illustrated by the epitaph on a New England headstone.

An ancient locksmith died of late, and did arrive at Heaven's gate; He stood without, and wouldn't knock, because he meant to pick that lock!

During the period of the 18th and 19th century many technical developments were made in the locking mechanisms that added to the security of common locking devices. It was during this period that America changed form importing door hardware to manufacturing it and even exporting some. New applications for cast iron, brass and clay completely changed the appearance of the locks that could be bought. The development through the years of locking devices was carried out by hundreds of individuals all over the world. To put America's locks at a reasonable price you must only realize that the Chinese had, in common use before the year 1000, a strong, small lock, operated by a relatively easy to carry key. In the years before dynamite was discovered in 1867, the key was everything. Without the key a thief had little hope of opening a locked strongbox or door. For this reason the shape of a key as well as number of wards cut into it were varied to meet the needs of the material being protected. Blacksmiths in the Colonies made many locks, as well as their other products. They could not keep up with the demand for locks as the country expanded even though some specialized in just lockmaking. These men were known as Whitesmiths as they filed and polished their products, unlike the blacksmith who left the surface much as it came from forge. Lockmaking required the skills common to the Blacksmith plus lathe turning, spring tempering, rivet and screw making, precise fitting and hole punching. Sometimes in the same shop, brass casting was done for the knobs and escutcheons that were used. The First American iron works was erected at Sagus, Mass in 16. Brass Foundries and Iron furnaces, as they were called, such as Hopewell, Isabella and Warwick Furnace all near our business in Chester County Pennsylvania produced a multitude of common and specialized products. But like the Whitesmith, the demand was greater that they could meet. It is for these reasons that is safe to assume that over 80% of the Iron locks and more that 90% of the Brass Locks used in this country before 1800 were imported.

Molded Edge locks produced in England were popular with people of means for their main doors through the late 1700's both here in America and in England. Just as the Dutch, German, Swedish, English and French carpenters built houses of a type that they knew in their homeland, so did the locksmith create locks that were familiar to him.

The plate latch is based on an English pattern. There are many different latches designed by different countries, each one unusual in it's own right. The Dutch elbow latch, the Moravian latch, the French mortised locks with lever handles of brass and many more. Iron locks, thumb latches, bar latches, key locks, stock locks, Carpenter patent locks and other devices were used in great quantity.

On Carpenter locks, they were widely used in the East and South and they were all made in England. The latching bar that lifted through a brass rimmed keeper is the patented design and the patent was issued in 1820.

In all there were about 20 companies producing these locks, under license, from Carpenter. To confuse the historians that like to have clear cut dates on everything, according to the noted Pa. restoration architect, G. Edwim Brumbaugh, the house at Pottstown, PA known as Pottsgrove Mansion was fitted with Carpenter Locks when it was built in the 1750's. It is strange to note that this lock as common as it is in this country, is, as far as we know, completely absent in England. Could it be that they were all made for export?

If a date were required to be set for the ending of handcraftsmanship in locks, I would use 1840. This corresponds to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in this country, and is followed closely by mass production. In 1831, Frederick T. Stanley established the first factory for the manufacture of, not the making of, locks in New Britain Conn. Others had at that time, produced items such as locks, hinges, bells, utensils, nails, screws, and all the hundreds of things that are hard to find today. Mr. Stanley's shop was set up only to make door locks. In the years to follow the Stanley name, Frederick or his cousins William and Henry, were associated with other now famous American lockmakers, including Seth North of North and Stanley; Henry Russel of Russel and Erwin and Philip Corbin of P&F Corbin.

Between 1840 and 1900 patents were issued by the hundreds to these men and others for improvements of locking devices or decorative trim. The leader in the decorative hardware field, known then as compression bronze, was Russell and Erwin. One of the most noticeable developments of the period was the widely used Mineral knob in White, Bennington brown and Black. These knobs were patented by John Pepper in 1851. Mr. Cornelius Erwin of Russell and Erwin helped him form "The Mineral Knob Company" to produce these knobs. These knobs were used on thousands of locks.

Corbin developed the unit lock, which was installed by cutting a notch in the edge of the door, sliding the unit it and fastening the trim on both sides. In 1833, J.A. Blake patented the grandfather on the tubular lock of today. This was installed by drilling only two holes into the door.

Walter R. Schlage of San Francisco was awarded 11 patents for the development of the tubular lock. Mr. Linus Yale, his son and employees added to the problems of would be thieves with the non-ending stream of improved bank locks that they made.

Mr. Samuel Segal, former New York City policeman, is credited for the first jimmy proof locks, and has over 25 patents to prove that he didn't stop when he built the first one in 1916.


A lock or water lock is an enclosed, rectangular chamber with gates at each end, within which water is raised or lowered to allow boats or ships to overcome differences in water level. Locks have a history of over 2,000 years, and although they are most often used by boats on canals, they also are used to transport massive ships between seas.

All locks operate on the simple buoyancy principle that any vessel, no matter what size, will float atop a large enough volume of water. By raising or lowering the level of a body of water, the vessel itself goes up or down accordingly. Locks are used to connect two bodies of water that are at different ground levels as well as to "walk" a vessel up or down a river's more turbulent parts. This is done by a series of connecting or "stair-case" locks. Locks contributed significantly to the Industrial Revolution (period beginning about the middle of the eighteenth century during which humans began to use steam engines as a major source of power) by making possible the interconnection of canals and rivers, thus broadening commerce. They still play a major role in today's industrial society.


The ancestor of the modern lock is the flash lock. It originated in China and is believed to have been used as early as 50 B.C. The flash lock was a navigable gap in a masonry dam that could be opened or closed by a single wooden gate. Opening the gate very quickly would release a sudden surge of water that was supposed to assist a vessel downstream through shallow water. This was often very dangerous. Using the flash lock to go upstream was usually safe but extremely slow since the gap in the dam was used to winch or drag a vessel through.

At some future date, a second gate was added to the flash lock, thus giving birth to the pound lock. The first known example of a pound lock (whose dual gates "impound" or capture the water) was in China in A.D. 984. It consisted of two flash locks about 250 feet (76 meters) apart. By raising or lowering guillotine or up-and-down gates at each end, water was captured or released. The space between the two gates thus acted as an equalizing chamber that elevated or lowered a vessel to meet the next water level. This new method was entirely controllable and had none of the hazards and surges of the old flash lock.

Ships in the Miraflores locks on the Panama Canal. (Reproduced by permission of

Photo Researchers, Inc.


The first pound lock in Europe was built at Vreeswijk, the Netherlands, in 1373. Like its Chinese ancestor, it also had guillotine gates. The pound lock system spread quickly throughout Europe during the next century, but was eventually replaced by an improved system that formed the basis of the modern lock system. During the fifteenth century, Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) devised an improved form of pound lock whose gates formed a V-shape when closed. In 1487, Leonardo built six locks with gates of this type. These gates turned on hinges, like doors, and when closed they formed a V-shape pointing upstream—thus giving them their name of miter gates. One great advantage of miter gates was that they were self-sealing from the pressure of the upsteam water.

Construction and operation

The earliest locks were built entirely of wood, with stone and then brick becoming standard materials. The gates themselves were always wooden, with some lasting as long as 50 years. Filling or emptying these early locks was often accomplished by hand-operated sluices or floodgates built in the gates. On later and larger locks, it was found that conduits or culverts built into the lock wall itself were not only more efficient but let the water enter in a smoother, more controlled manner. Nearly all locks operate in the following manner: (1) A vessel going downstream to shallower water enters a lock with the front gate closed. (2) The rear gate is then closed and the water level in the lock is lowered by opening a valve. The vessel goes down as the water escapes. (3) When the water level inside the lock is as low as that downstream, the front gate is opened and the vessel continues on its way. To go upstream, the process is reversed, with the water level being raised inside the lock. What the operators always strive for is to fill or empty the lock in the fastest time possible with a minimum of turbulence.

In modern locks, concrete and steel have replaced wood and brick, and hydraulic power or electricity is used to open and close the gates and side sluices. Movable gates are the most important part of a lock, and they must be strong enough to withstand the water pressure arising from the often great difference in water levels. They are mostly a variation of Leonardo's miter gates, except now they usually are designed to be stored inside the lock's wall recesses.

Probably the best known locks in the world are those used in the Panama Canal—the most-used canal in the world. Completed in 1914, the Panama Canal is an interoceanic waterway 51 miles (82 kilometers) long that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through the Isthmus of Panama. It has three major sets of locks, each of which is built in tandem to allow vessels to move in either direction, like a separated, twoway street. Each lock gate has two leaves, 65 feet (20 meters) wide by 7 feet (2 meter) thick, set on hinges. The gates range in height from 47 to 82 feet (14 to 25 meters) and are powered by large motors built in the lock walls. The chambers are 1,000 feet (305 meters) long, 110 feet (34 meters) wide, and 41 feet (13 meters) deep. Most large vessels are towed through the locks. As with all locks today, they are operated from a control tower using visual signals and radio communications.



The ancestor of the modern lock is the flash lock, also called a navigation weir or stanch. It originated in China and is believed to have been used as early as 50 B.C. The flash lock was a navigable gap in a masonry dam or weir that could be opened or closed by a single wooden gate. Opening the gate or sluice very quickly would release a sudden surge of water that was supposed to assist a vessel downstream through shallow water. This was often very dangerous. Using the flash lock to go upstream was usually safe but extremely slow since the gap in the dam was used to winch or drag a vessel through.

At some point, what now seems to be a very obvious improvement was made, and a second gate was added to the flash lock, thus giving birth to the pound lock. The first known example of a pound lock (whose dual gates "impound" or capture the water) is in China in 984 A.D. Supposedly built by Chiao Wei-Yo on the West River section of the Grand Canal near Huai-yin, it consisted of two flash locks about 250 ft (76.2 m) apart. By raising or lowering guillotine gates at each end, water was captured or released. The space between the two gates thus acted as an equalizing chamber that elevated or lowered a vessel to meet the next water level. This new method was entirely controllable and had none of the hazards and surges of the old flash lock.

Although a primitive form of lock was used in Belgium as early as 1180, the first pound lock in Europe was built at Vreeswijk, Holland in 1373. Like its Chinese ancestor, it also had guillotine or up-and-down gates. The pound lock system spread quickly throughout Europe during the next century and was eventually replaced by an improved system that formed the basis of the modern lock system. During the fifteenth century, the multi-talented Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), served the Duke of Milan as engineer and devised an improved form of pound lock whose gates formed a V-shape when closed. In 1487, da Vinci built six locks with gates of this type. These gates turned on hinges, like doors, and when closed they formed a vee shape pointing upstream-thus giving them their name of miter gates. Da Vinci realized that one great advantage of miter gates is that they were self-sealing by the pressure of the water (since they point upstream). Also when there is a difference in water level between one side and the other, the pressure holding the gates together is at its greatest. Most of the great canals of Europe use locks. In France, the Briare Canal, completed in 12, included 40 locks, one series of which was a staircase of six locks that handled a fall of 65 ft (20 m). The famous Canal du Midi that leads to the Mediterranean was finished in 1692 and used 26 locks to surmount the 206-ft (61 m) difference from Garonne to Toulouse. It then descended 620 ft (189 m) through 74 locks. The first lock in England was built in 1566, but it was not until 1783 that a lock was completed in North America at Lake St. Francis in Canada.


The History Of Locks

Locksmithing is one of the oldest handicrafts known to civilized man. Long before the great Pyramids were built, Locksmiths plied their trade in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and China. In fact, it may be said that the first key to be used by mankind was the branch of the tree, which the cavemen used to move aside the boulder that guarded the entrance to his cave. In the ruins of ancient cities, archaeologists frequently uncover locking devices that protected the wealth of men who lived before the time of written history.

Over forty centuries ago an Egyptian artist painted a fresco on an ancient temple, which showed a lock that was, then in use. A similar lock was actually found in the ruins of a once sumptuous palace in a suburb of the biblical city of Nineveh. This lock is said to be the oldest lock in existence.

It is quite reasonable to suppose that the first barring of a door was done by means of a cross beam, either dropped into sockets of sliding in staples fixed on the door; and it is equally reasonable to suppose that if it slid, a vertical pin dropping into a hole through the staple and beam together, kept the beam in place. If the beam was on the outside of the door, the locking pin must be hidden, and reached either through a hole in the beam, or else through a hole in the staple. This is the kind of primitive lock as made by the Egyptians.

They shortened the beam in a long bolt, and made it hollow for part of its length, so as to reach the pin hidden in beam and staple through the beam itself. The key, which was pushed up the hollow, had pegs on it to match the pins, which held the bolt - for the one pin was now multiplied. When the key was well home it was raised, and so its pegs lifted up the pins out of the way, leaving the bolt free. Then the bolt was drawn back by the key; the pegs are the latter filling up and engaging with the holes until then filled by the pins. It will be noticed that the shank of the key is the arm and the pegs are the fingers of the hand. The dropping pins are the true tumblers. The Egyptian lock was first described by Eton in his Survey of the Turkish Empire, 1798. Further information about it was given early in the 19th century by Denon, the Frenchman, who said that he had found the locks sculptured in one of the grand old temples of Karnac, which shows that the same kind of lock has served Egypt for 40 centuries. Locks almost identical or with very little difference and still made of wood have been seen recently in Iraq and Zanzibar. In another class of primitive locks, the pins were reached through a hole in the staple and not through the bolt. There is good reason to believe they were once remarkably widespread. They have seen comparatively recently in some parts of Scandinavia, in the Hebrides and Faroe Islands. They have been observed also upon the West Coast of Africa and in the less frequented parts of certain Balkan States. The hole in the






属性点是基本检定值, 也是技能(PERK)的上限. 但是由于部分技能十分好用, 所以这篇是以第一次接触 Fallout 4 的新手所设定的属性. 这个设定稍微偏攻击性, 可以让大部份的战斗轻松一些.

力量 S 3

感知 P 3

耐力 E 3

魅力 C 6

智力 I 6

敏捷 A 6

运气 L 1

在庇护山丘(Sanctuary)的婴儿床下可以发现一本 YOU'RE 属性点, 可以增加属性一点. 在这边请选敏捷(A). 接下来前往自由博物馆(Museum of Freedom)三楼可以拿到一个感知娃娃(Bobblehead), 可以增加感知(P)一点.

升级获得的点数可以用来增加 属性点 属性, 也可以增加辅助技能(PERK)等级.


赐命者 1 (E3, Lifegiver)

锁匠 1 (P4, Locksmith)

黑客 1 (I4, Hacker)

潜行 1 (A3, Sneak)

忍者 1 (A7, Ninja)

潜行 2 (A3, Sneak)

锁匠 2 (P4, Locksmith)

赐命者 2 (E3, Lifegiver)

黑客 2 (I4, Hacker)

十级开始以增加伤害, 并且会有材料做MOD.

手 1 (P2, Rifleman)

装甲商 1 (S3)

枪枝迷 1 (I3)

装甲商 2 (S3)

枪枝迷 2 (I3)

科学! 1 (I6)

手 2 (P2, Rifleman)


善用热键, 在按 Tab 进入 Pip-Boy 模式时, 切到武器页面, 按 Q) 最爱可以帮武器/物品设定热键, 我一般都是携带四个武器, 分别是近战武器设定1, 短距手枪设定2, 中程战斗射定 3, 远程设定 4, 而吃的部分则是 8 设定治疗针, 食物设定在 9.

治疗针除了可以补血外, 还会修补破损的部位

所有的物品集中到同一个避难所, 建议在一开始的庇护山丘(Sanctuary). 身上除了四个武器, 打针, 一种食物外, 其余都可以扔工作台.

在工作台, 按 R 转移物品时, 可以用 A D 来左右翻页到不同的类别, W S 上下移动, E 存放或是拿出

一般敌人的非特殊武器和装备能卖的钱不多, 分解出来的物品也很常见, 反而是一般的垃圾在分解时更有用.

动力装甲一开始很炫, 但是他的核心消耗很快, 如果没有好好控制很容易用完. 初期无法以动力装甲一直解任务下去.

伙伴不会死亡, 不要浪费药品在他身上, 如果是一般的人型伙伴要当炮灰的,让她穿没有物品和核心在里面的动力装甲是个不错的选择

按 Q 可以进入 VATS 模式, 除了用来索敌外, 也可以用来找地雷.

游戏的怪物难度分布差不多是以 111 避难所为圆心, 怪物的强度不会随着角色升级而变强. 因此尽量以圆形的方式往外探索比较不会突然遇到强力怪物.

一开始别建立太多避难所, 维护避难所花时间, 又容易因为避难所被攻击而中断目前任务, 除非有迫切的需要黏着剂.

野外打到的动物尸体别直接吃, 在找营火烹煮后再吃就不会有辐射影响, 而且补更多.

确认(Enter)的按钮可以用 E 取代, 包括在清除杂物时

黏着剂很珍贵, 所有的制作模块都会用到, 可以用纯水+玉米+变种果+铃薯的方式在烹饪制造, 而这些物品都可以在住宅区种植



一开始如果缺补血的物品, 可以多盖一些抽水帮浦, 这样子就会产生很多纯水到工作台

钻石城的医生可以用 40 元解除所有辐射, 消辐射的药物一般不会直接使用

F5 可以快速存盘, F9 可以快速读档



点独行侠时, 带狗肉出门仍然有效


离开动力装甲时, 要把核心拔出来避免NPC或是路人进入

伙伴的凯特(Cait) 可以开锁, 尼克(Nick)可以黑客计算机

动力装甲使用快跑, 强力攻击, 隐形时会更耗能源

当与伙伴的关系达到崇拜时, 可以获得该伙伴的特殊技能



武器只有最后一个枪口可以直接拆, 其他拆掉不一定有赚.

在工作台内的物品如果可以分解, 在建造物品时会自动分解. 要种的食物也是.

在创造新的模块时, 原本武器的模块会变成物品可以重复使用 .如果是可以装备的武器或是装备模块, 可以放在工作台内直接使用.

如果一个物品的模块你不能制造, 你还是可以把他从装备上移除, 然后使用在其他装备上.


盖房子时, 用滚轮可以让物品前后移动, 按着 E 用滚轮则是可以让物品上下移动

抽水机, 农场, 商店产生的物品和钱会直接到工作台

指派居民去特定工作, 要先用 E 选择居民, 再到你要指派的工作上按 E


居民的上限是 10+魅力


指派居民时, 如果他目前有工作, 该工作项目也会被高亮



芳邻阵的银衣怪客要放名片不是画面上显示的 Y, 而是空格键


嗯,在英语中smith是从事铁匠的职业,这只是一个总的称呼,在古英语中指的是从事金属工艺的人。在历史上 smith可以分为好几个类别。例如locksmith,指的就是从事制作锁为职业的人们,被称呼为锁匠。还有metalsmith,指的是从事各类金属工艺作品,就是金属加工技术,不限于铁。当然这些名词已经属于过去的历史了,反映出古代金属工艺分工细致的一方面。


金属切削 metal cutting

机床 machine tool

金属工艺学 technology of metals


电路 circuit

半导体元件 semiconductor element

反馈 feedback

发生器 generator

直流电源 DC electrical source

门电路 gate circuit

逻辑代数 logic algebra

逻辑电路 logic circuit


脉冲波形 pulse shape

数模 digital analogy

液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism

机械零件mechanical parts

摩擦 friction

联结 link

传动 drive/transmission

轴 shaft

弹性 elasticity

频率特性 frequency characteristic

误差 error

响应 response

定位 allocation

机床夹具 jig

动力学 dynamic

运动学 kinematic

静力学 static

分析力学 analyse mechanics

拉伸 pulling

压缩 hitting

剪切 shear

扭转 twist

弯曲应力 bending stress

强度 intensity

三相交流电 three-phase AC

磁路 magnetic circles

变压器 transformer

异步电动机 asynchronous motor

几何形状 geometrical

精度 precision

正弦形的 sinusoid

交流电路 AC circuit

机械加工余量 machining allowance

变形力 deforming force

变形 deformation

应力 stress

硬度 rigidity

热处理 heat treatment

退火 anneal

正火 normalizing

脱碳 decarburization

渗碳 carburization

淬火冷却 quench

淬火 hardening

回火 tempering

调质 hardening and tempering

磨粒 abrasive grain

结合剂 bonding agent

砂轮 grinding wheel

外圆磨削 external grinding

内圆磨削 internal grinding

平面磨削 plane grinding

变速箱 gearbox

离合器 clutch

绞孔 fraising

绞刀 reamer

螺纹加工thread processing

螺钉 screw

铣削 mill

铣刀 milling cutter

功率 power

工件 workpiece

齿轮加工 gear mechining

齿轮 gear

主运动 main movement

主运动方向 direction of main movement

进给方向 direction of feed

进给运动 feed movement

合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed

合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting

合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting

切削深度 cutting depth

前刀面 rake face

刀尖 nose of tool

前角 rake angle

后角 clearance angle

龙门刨削 planing

主轴 spindle

主轴箱 headstock

卡盘 chuck

加工中心 machining center

车刀 lathe tool

车床 lathe

钻削 镗削 bore

车削 turning

磨床 grinder

基准 benchmark


锻 forge

压模 stamping

焊 weld

拉床 broaching machine

拉孔 broaching

装配 assembling

铸造 found

流体动力学 fluid dynamics

流体力学fluid mechanics

加工 machining

液压 hydraulic pressure

切线 tangent

机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration

气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure

稳定性 stability

介质 medium

液压驱动泵 fluid clutch

液压泵 hydraulic pump

阀门 valve

失效 invalidation

强度 intensity

载荷 load

应力 stress

安全系数 safty factor

可靠性 reliability

螺纹 thread

螺旋 helix

键 spline

销 pin

滚动轴承rolling bearing

滑动轴承 sliding bearing

弹簧 spring

制动器 arrester brake

十字结联轴节 crosshead

联轴器 coupling

链 chain

皮带 strap

精加工 finish machining

粗加工 rough machining

变速箱体 gearbox casing

腐蚀 rust

氧化 oxidation

磨损 wear

耐用度 durability

随机信号 random signal

离散信号 discrete signal

超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor

集成电路 integrate circuit

挡板 orifice plate


1.请按票价付费,不找零钱 please pay by the ticket price,no change available

2.请勿在此停留 Please don't stay here.

3.请止步 Please go no further.

4.仓库重地闲人免进 Warehouse,No Admittance

1.Real estate agents 房地产经纪人

2.Funeral par lour 殡仪馆

3.Locksmith 锁匠

4.Toy fisheries 玩具工厂

5.Clearance price 清仓价

6.Christmas sales圣诞促销

7.Closing down sale 停业前的甩卖

8.Best value in town 城镇最佳值

9.No cigarette disposal 不准乱扔烟头

10.Commit no nuisance 禁止随地便溺

11.Cars go here please 车辆此路行驶

12.Beware of sticky fingers 小心粘手

13.Look out for the train 小心火车

14.Keep this doorway free of bikes 门口请勿停放自行车

15.Leave nothing but footprints请勿乱扔杂物(除了脚印什么也不要留下)


1. 我的电脑BIOS设置的开机密码忘记了

如果你开机必须输入BIOS密码,可用以下办法 第一招:通用密码 每个主板厂家都有主板设置的通用密码,以便于提供技术支持之用。

如果我们知道了该主板的通用密码,那么无论是开机,还是进行CMOS设置都可以"穿墙而入"当然不要用这个去干坏事哟! 需要注意的是各主板厂家出于某些原因,不同时期主板的通用密码会有所不同,因此这一招并不能通行天下,我们只有多尝试几次,是否有用就要看运气了! Award BIOS通用密码:j256、LKWPPETER、wantgirl、Ebbb、Syxz、aLLy、AWARD?SW、AWARD_SW、j262、HLT、SER、SKY_FOX、BIOSTAR、ALFAROME、lkwpeter、589721、awkard、h996、CONCAT、589589。 AWI BIOS通用密码:AMI、BIOS、PASSWORD、HEWITT RAND、AMI_SW、LKWPETER、A.M.I。

第二招:CMOS放电 目前的主板大多数使用纽扣电池为BIOS提供电力,也就是说,如果没有电,它里面的信息就会丢失了。当它再次通上电时,BIOS就会回到未设置的原始状态,当然BIOS密码也就没有珐浮粹簧诔毫达桐惮昆了。


如果你能启动操作系统,按以下操作: 进入命令窗口模式 debug 回车 o 70 10 o 71 01 q 就OK了 有的主板是 o 70 16 o 71 16 q 也有其他的,你可以试试.。

2. 在为计算机设置了BIOS开机密码后,不小心将密码忘了,应该如何解决








3、键入命令:“ user ***** 123456 /add”,强制将“*****”用户的口令更改为“123456”。若想在此添加一新用户(如:用户名为abcdef,口令为123456)的话,请键入“ user abcdef 123456 /add”,添加后可用“ localgroup administrators abcdef /add”命令将用户提升为系统管理组“administrators”的用户,并使其具有超级权限。



用Windows xp系统安装光盘,以修复系统的方法,破解超级机算机管理员密码





WinXP/2000下对策:删除系统安装目录\system32 \config下的SAM文件,重新启动,此时管理员Administrator账 号已经没有密码了,用Administrator帐户登陆系统,不用输入 任何密码,进入系统后再重新设置登陆帐户密码即可

3. 电脑设置的开机密码忘记了怎么办



进入U盘启动的界面,像现在网上的PE启动盘都有带有一个Windows登陆密码确解菜单这一项。选择再回车进入,然后选择01清除Windows 登陆密码。

知道Windos安装的盘符就选择1,不知道就选择2 然后按回车键。






4. 电脑bios开机密码忘记了怎么办








5. 某计算机设置了BIOS开机密码,但忘记了密码导致无法开机,请举出


1.开机启动Win XP,当运行到“正在启动Windows XP”的提示界面时,按“F8”键调出系统启动选择菜单,选择“带命令行安全模式”; 2.当运行停止后,会列出“Administrator”和其它用户的选择菜单(本例的其他用户以xpuser01为例),选择“Administrator”后回车,进入命令行模式; 3.键入命令““ user xpuser01 1234/ADD”这是更改该用户密码的命令,命令中的“1234”是更改后的新密码。

2,如果键入的用户不存在(xpuser01),那么系统会自动添加这个用户。 4.另外还可以使用“ 1oca1group administrator xpuser01 /ADD”命令把xpuser01这个用户升为超级用户,即可拥有所有权限。 5.最后一步,就是重新启动计算机,在登录窗口中输入刚刚更改的新密码便可成功登陆。如果你正在为丢失了登陆口令而烦恼的话,不妨试一试此方法。







进入安全模式登录到Windows XP后,按下“Ctrl + Alt + Del”组合键,

出现“Windows 安全”窗口,点击选项中“更改密码”按钮,出现更改密码窗口。这个窗口中,将当前用户的密码备份,点击左下角“备份”按钮,激活“忘记密码向导”,按照提示创建密码重设盘。

如果在Windows XP的登录窗口输入了错误的密码,就会弹出“登录失败”窗口,如果你的确想不起来自己的密码是什么时,可点击“重设”按钮,启动密码重设向导,通过刚才所创建的密码重设盘,重新设定密码,登录Windows XP。

方法4、还有就是,可以使用超强的Windows 2000XP系统维护光盘——ERD mander 2003。使用该光盘启动系统后,运行开始→管理→工具→密码修改命令打开ERD mander 2003 LockSmith Wizard窗口,在帐号框中输入要破解的帐户名,然后输入新的密码就ok了!

6. 电脑开机密码忘了,在BIOS里怎么设置

1.开机启动Win XP,当运行到“正在启动Windows XP”的提示界面时,按“F8”键调出系统启动选择菜单,选择“带命令行安全模式”; 2.当运行停止后,会列出“Administrator”和其它用户的选择菜单(本例的其他用户以xpuser01为例),选择“Administrator”后回车,进入命令行模式; 3.键入命令““ user xpuser01 1234/ADD”这是更改该用户密码的命令,命令中的“1234”是更改后的新密码,如果键入的用户不存在(xpuser01),那么系统会自动添加这个用户。 4.另外还可以使用“ 1oca1group administrator xpuser01 /ADD”命令把xpuser01这个用户升为超级用户,即可拥有所有权限。 5.最后一步,就是重新启动计算机,在登录窗口中输入刚刚更改的新密码便可成功登陆。

附有破解windows密码功能的windowsPE破解。第一步:从网上下载“深山红叶袖珍系统工具箱”,该软件集成了WinPE光盘操作系统、微型Linux系统及众多实用的DOS程序,该软件为ISO格式,可直接刻录为引导光盘,容量为200多兆,一张8厘米的小刻录盘就可装下,方便携带,实属电脑操作时的必备工具。 第二步:设置CMOS中的启动顺序由CDROM启动,放入刻录的“深山红叶”光盘,重启系统进入“深山红叶”启动菜单,如图1,选择第一项“[1]WindowsPE(XP)光盘工具箱”启动WINPE系统。该系统仿XP界面,所以启动过程和XP的启动过程一样,显示的启动画面还是“WINXP professional”呢!在光驱灯与硬盘灯一阵狂闪后,系统启动完成。 第三步:依次点击“开始-强力系统修复ERD2003-首先在此设置当前系统目录!,在弹出的“浏览文件夹”窗口中选择WIN2K或WINXP系统的Windows目录,如图3。接着仍是进入“强力系统修复ERD2003”菜单中,选择“修改用户密码(LockSmith)”,然后按照LockSmith向导一步步地操作,在对账号设置新密码时,默认显示的账号是“Administrator”,点击账号中的下拉箭头,选择要修改密码的账号,然后在“新密码”与“确认密码”框中填入新的密码,如图4,点下一步,就完成了密码修改。 第四步:点击WINPE系统中的“开始-重启系统”,在重启过程中弹出光碟,进入正常的WIN2K或WINXP系统,选择刚才更改的账号,输入修改后的密码,屏幕显示正在加载用户信息,说明密码更改成功。





钳-?(clamp)--locksmith, fitter

锻-forge--blacksmith, ironsmith

铸-casting, founding--founder