









       注音:wàn zhòng yī xīn, zhòng zhì chéng chéng 。


















        十箭难断 众志成城、 众擎易举、 步调一致、 人多势众、 上下一心、 戮力同心、 举国同心、 集腋成裘、 万全之策、 齐心协力、 聚沙成塔、 同心同德、



        "As long as all of us are united, we can remain invincible. “


        "The army and civilians in the anti-Japanese base areas believe that as long as all the people are united and all the people are united, they will certainly be able to *** ash the enemy's"sweep". “


        Wenchuan Earthquake, we can see the united efforts of the Chinese people.


        As long as all of us are united, we can remain invincible.


        As long as we unite as one, there will be no problem that we can not overcome.


        The Chinese people are united in their struggle for the realization of the four modernizations.


        However, as always, in the face of adversity, not only the people of Hong Kong are united, but also the food environment? The staff of the Department of Health also united and successfully overcome various challenges.


        "All the Chinese people are united with their enemies and all the people are united in their determination to wipe out all the aggressors. “


        In the face of severe tests, the great Chinese nation has chosen to be strong, calm and self-confident. It has chosen to build a city with all one heart and one mind to fight tenaciously and overcome difficulties together.

        *** 说,面对“非典”这一突如其来的灾害,中国人民正万众一心,众志成城,全力防控疫情。

        Wu Yi said that in the face of the sudden disaster of SARS, the Chinese people are united in their efforts to prevent and control the epidemic.


        The national unity before the war, united by all, defeated the aggressors thoroughly.


        The Chinese people of all ethnic groups are united in continuing to promote the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way.


        "In order to make the country rich, the people of the whole country must work hard and with all one mind. “


        When the new China was founded, the whole nation was united and devoted all its efforts to irrigating the devastated motherland.


        Individual civilization is self-cultivation; family civilization is filial piety and harmony; social civilization is harmonious progress; national civilization is the unity of all people; national civilization is peaceful coexistence; natural civilization is *** ooth weather!


        "When the floods rage, we all work together to overcome the difficulties."


        "All difficulties can be overcome as long as all the people are united. “


        We Chinese people, united and united, soon withdrew all the overseas Chinese from Libya.


        As long as all of us are united, we can remain invincible.


        As long as we are good at seizing opportunities, daring to break through difficulties, daring to innovate ways, United efforts, striving to be strong, bearing heavy burdens and persevering, we will surely be able to innovate brilliantly and make new contributions.


        "As long as all of us are united, there will be no insurmountable difficulties. “


        As long as all of us are united and persevering, the ambition of Zhongda will eventually succeed!

        "我们应该紧密地团结在以 *** 为核心的党中央周围,万众一心,建设有中国特色的社会主义。"

        "We should unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Jiang Zemin as its core and unite all the people to build sociali *** with Chinese characteristics. "


        Greater China can stand in the East with all our hearts and minds.


        Yes, she's been watching. Look at the time in the iron and fire torment, see the years in the blood and tears, see the flesh and blood body cast into trenches, there is no retreat, see the loyal soul and righteous soul nine domains flying, all of us united. Wind snow dance


        Only when all the people are united can they bravely overcome difficulties and overcome them.


        As long as all of you are united and work hard, we will surely achieve the four modernizations.

        从个人用水至各行各业在专业运作上的节省,以及 *** 在公共服务上的省俭,可反映到整个社会万众一心,竭力悭水。

        From personal water use to the savings in professional operation in all walks of life, as well as the government's savings in public services, can be reflected in the unity of all the people in the whole society.


        Let this mark the end of the Cybertron War, and we will enter a new era of peace and happiness. Million people united as one man!


        "All difficulties can be overcome as long as all the people are united. "

        无论是慈善家还是科学家, *** 还是教会,都无法凭他们自身的力量解决这一问题?我们必须万众一心 携手对抗艾滋病!

        Neither philanthropists nor scientists nor governments nor churches can solve this problem on their own? We must all work together to fight AIDS!


        The Chinese people are united in their struggle for the realization of the four modernizations.


        The people of the whole country are united in their efforts to overcome any difficulties.

成语接龙: 万众一心成语接龙游戏,以最后一个字心字开头的下一个四字词语顺接逆向接



       ”万众一心“的读音:wàn zhòng yī xīn ]

       释义: 千万人一条心。形容团结一致。





























       全中国人民同仇敌忾, 万众一心 ,誓将一切侵略者消灭干净。

       中国人民 万众一心 为实现四化而奋斗。
